Creating spaces to connect and learn



Creating spaces to connect and learn

DBE-E3 continued to collaborate with Kaleidoscope Lights to host Friday morning EdEco Connect sessions in 2023. Sessions have become a space for connection, support, refreshment and community of care and learning. We have hosted 112 sessions to date, with over 100 organisations participating over the last three years. 


Many of the participants have worked independently on concepts that emerged from their discussions, supporting each other with skills and networks to address challenges, as well as developing new projects together. This is a form of what can be described as “radical collaboration” – a willingness to work together beyond your own set objectives, and beyond the logic of a simple win-win equation, but to create something new that is responsive to the system’s needs.

EdEco Connect members attending the Think Tank in August 2023.
Robyn Whitaker - EdEco Connect Host