
28 July 2021
Nominations for the 2021 National Teaching Awards are now open 🏆

The 21st National Teaching Awards is around the corner and the call is now open to nominate your peers excelling in the teaching community! Watch:   These ...

6 November 2020
Entrepreneurship for the common good: helping communities while creating jobs and earning a living

Be unreasonable. Disrupt. Be dogged. Don't give up. Find local solutions for problems experienced in your community. But most of all, take responsibility and make things happen for ...

28 July 2020
Grab the Opportunity – Keep Learners engaged!

COVID-19 has thrown a curved ball at us all and although this presents challenges, it also opens the door to exciting new opportunities. The trimmed COVID-19 response project is rolling out an ...

18 June 2020
Enter the Teacher Agency Award

WHY? To reward you for being awesome! You have shown that you care, that you have found a solution to a problem that helps others and that you have just gone ahead and ...

15 June 2020
E3 Conquering unemployment!

The goal of tackling and bringing unemployment to a close is rather a lofty goal, one that may sound all too ambitious for some. But take a moment to imagine this: A nation where every ...

12 June 2020
Engaging with the environment, the E3 way…

Buyane Primary, Mpumalanga, was one of the first schools selected to be part of the E3 pilot program. Buyane has since become a pioneer school in their dedication to project-based ...

12 June 2020
Michael Fullen: New Pedagogies for Deep Learning

Michael Fullen is one of the high masters in the world of Active Learning Pedagogies. Here he describes the 6 Cs and their value in the curriculum. E3 used a similar approach in ...